In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

What to do when you’re diagnosed with an STD like herpes #herpes #STD



Alexandra knows what it feels like to get a call from your doctor saying, “you have Herpes;” and how to manage the physical, mental, and emotional rollercoaster ride that comes with a diagnosis. When you’re first diagnosed with an STD, it’s important to immediately educate yourself on what herpes is and what the misconceptions are. Herpes is a virus that the majority of the population has and outbreaks happen when you’re stressed or your immune system is stressed. There’s no cure for herpes, but herpes won’t kill you and can be managed. Being diagnosed with an STD or STI can feel like the earth is breaking, but you can still live a wonderful and fulfilling life: you’re more than a herpes diagnosis. Alexandra shares her experience with how to get diagnosed with herpes, manage herpes outbreaks, and communicate about STDs and STIs with future partners: from dating to getting married. We cover topics like: 3:00 How to talk with others about herpes 5:00 Coping with the emotions of an STI diagnosis and feeling sham