Perpetual Traffic By Digitalmarketer | Facebook Advertising | Social Media Marketing | Digital Marketing I

Episode 381: Getting a 282X Revenue Increase from Your Facebook Creative



What if you could combine great messaging with great audiences in a virtual nirvana of social ads with stunning results? On today’s episode, Ralph Burns walks co-host Kasim Aslam through the Creative Lab deep dive research the Tier 11 team uses to acquire ideal customers at top of funnel. This deep dive includes looking at 16 sources of data to create messaging and avatars, which becomes the foundation for how they create ad copy, images, videos, and scripts. They’re not just on a quest to uncover an avatar’s demographics and interests. They want to know them intimately. What are they thinking? What are their deepest fears? Their greatest desires? What transformation do they crave? “I don’t think you deserve to market to anybody if you don’t truly love them,” Kasim says. “And the way to fall in love with somebody is to get to know them.”Listen in for a masterclass on knowing your ideal customer on a deep level—and convincing them that the transformation they want is attainable.IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEAR