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EP200: Are You Still Running Your Facebook Ads Like it’s 2015? 4 Essential Tips to Get You on Track



Anyone struggling with Facebook advertising right now is probably running their ads like it’s still 2015. What worked in Facebook advertising when we published Episode 1 of the Perpetual Traffic Podcast four years ago isn’t what works today as we publish Episode 200. In this episode, we focus on getting you back on track and up-to-date with the latest changes and features inside the Facebook ad platform. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: The Facebook changes—after July 2015—that have continued to get the best results Why The Michigan Method™ doesn’t work as well as it did in 2016 The reason why simplification of audiences is essential to Facebook ad success in 2019 Why the ideal audience size has changed from 400,000–1MM and now 4–40MM How separation of placement is triggering “The Breakdown Effect” in your ad campaigns The big differences in retargeting audiences today versus 2015 and how engagement audiences are the key LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Measure Results In Ads Manager | The Break