Christopher Lochhead Follow Your Different

318 The Power of Questions with Jon Berghoff, Founder of XCHANGE Approach 



Today, we are living in a world where access to all of the knowledge of humanity is getting easier, faster, and more accessible to all. This means that know what and how to ask questions to obtain the required answers have become a skill onto itself. On this episode, we have a dialogue with Jon Berghoff about the power of questions, and how to know if you’re asking the right questions. Jon Berghoff is the founder of XCHANGE Approach, a company that delivers legendary group learning experiences designed to blow open exponential thinking, and exponential results. Jon's a living legend for a reason, and he's a ton of fun. We promise you; your brain will thank you for listening to this dialogue today. You’re listening to Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different. We are the real dialogue podcast for people with a different mind. So get your mind in a different place, and hey ho, let’s go. Jon Berghoff on creating an experience where people feel safe The conversation starts off with a question for Jon, partic