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Quick Tip: How to Refine Your "Promise" For More Sales



Do you know what it means to refine your promise? Have you ever done it for your program, course, coaching, etc.?If your answer is no and you find that you are having a hard time making sales, this could be one of the reasons why.In order to make sales, you have to understand your perfect customer, hone in on your message to align with that customer, and finally, you have to be really great at communicating the promise that you are making to them.So many people cannot clearly articulate the promise of what they sell, so that is what we are getting into in this episode.I am going over some examples and giving you some ideas and tips so you can make sure that you refine your promise to be clear and concise.If you want to grow and scale your business, you have to be able to communicate what it is your offer does for people, so tune in to learn how to do this well!If you want to have a bigger impact in your business but you're not exactly sure how to achieve that without working harder and longer, apply to m