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Quick Tip: A Better Alternative to Webinars?



I am back with another quick tip episode.  These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. Are you trying to figure out what launch method is right for you?I built my business on webinars. I used webinars because that’s what I was taught and what I knew from day one. I got really good at them and loved them, but in 2017, I was launching a new program and wanted to try something new.I decided to combine the video series style launch with the live webinar-style launch and that is what I now call the Optimized Launch Method!Here’s the thing, all different launch methods work. It comes down to what your personal preference is, what your values are and what will resonate with your audience. In this episode, I want to share with you the types of things that I would encourage you to think about when you're deciding what type of launch to do. If you have questions about your next launch, you’ve come