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Quick Tip: Inside My Daily Schedule (With a 2yr Old)



I am back with another quick tip episode.  These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. In this episode, I am giving you a glimpse into my daily schedule with my daughter, Maya.  She is turning 2 years old, so people ask me all the time how I balance my seven-figure business, my family, and all the rest of my responsibilities. It’s not always easy balancing my schedule, but I am sharing with you some practical tips that I think you will find helpful.From how I plan my work week to when I take mini breaks to hang out with my daughter, the way I schedule my time is not always perfect, but it works for me, my family, and my business! I hope this conversation helped to give you a little bit of insight into my world, but I really hope you also took away some scheduling tips for yourself. I encourage you to plan your day in a way that sets you up for efficiency so you are able to balance all of the