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Multiple 6-Figure Coaching Business (in 12 Months) w/ Neill Williams



Could your business be running more efficiently? Could you be spending your time more productively?This is exactly what Neill Williams specializes in. If there’s anyone I trust to teach us about time management and efficiency, it’s Neill. We’re getting into how to be more productive and effective in your business. We talk about the funnel that Neill uses to get people into her group coaching program and how it has evolved. She is sharing a key discovery she has made as she's been evolving her funnel over the past several months. She's going to break down what she’s seen and how she used that data to improve the quality of the people that she attracts to her sales calls. We also talk about why she started a podcast and how podcasting can add value to your business. Neill Williams is a certified Master Life and Productivity Coach through The Life Coach School.  She coaches busy, overwhelmed entrepreneurs to unbusy their lives by reducing their work weeks and get more done so they can enjoy the freedom