Christopher Lochhead Follow Your Different

325 Finding Meaningful Work in a Post-Career World with Bruce Feiler, 7-time NYT Bestselling Author



The people who are happiest don't chase someone else's dreams; they chase their own. This is according to our guest, one of our favorite authors, thinkers, and people, Bruce Feiler. So we have a whole dialog on just that. Bruce Feiler is the author of the landmark book, Life is in the Transitions. And now he's back to address one of the seminal questions of our time: “How do we find or create meaningful work,” a subject he's lived over and over again. His new book is out and it's called The Search, finding meaningful work in a post career world. Bruce is one of America's most thoughtful voices on contemporary life. He's a seven-time New York Times bestselling author, he's lived many lives from circus clown to preeminent spirituality, author to winning three James Beard Awards and being the subject of a Jeopardy question. Bruce is an American treasure, who you're going to love hanging out with. You’re listening to Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different. We are the real dialogue podcast for people with