Perpetual Traffic By Digitalmarketer | Facebook Advertising | Social Media Marketing | Digital Marketing I

A 61% Increase in New Customers and a 45% Drop in CAC Selling a “Meta-Friendly” product



Ralph and Kasim are joined by Kobi. They discuss a case study that highlights the power of cross-platform advertising for customer acquisition. They examine how a client's Facebook ads led to increased traffic and awareness, while their Google ads sealed the deal and closed sales. By understanding the different audiences, product needs, and stages of the customer journey, marketers can strategically create a cohesive, multi-platform advertising campaign that maximizes results.Chapters:00:00:00 Kickoff: The Power of Cross-Platform Advertising with Kobi00:03:20 Leveraging Data to Optimize Social Media Platforms Choice00:06:19 Analyzing Advertising Shifts and Their Sales Impact00:12:51 How a Product Change Can Boost Customer Acquisition Rapidly00:18:17 Tapping into Google: Traffic & Attribution for High-End Products00:22:23 Risks of Neglecting Top-of-Funnel Marketing in Google Campaigns00:26:20 Strategies to Enhance Conversions and Business Success00:33:01 Overcoming Stakeholder Hesitations: Changing the Nar