Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

426 - Dr. Doug McGuff — Expanding 'Ultimate Exercise', Navigating the Realities of Running a HIT Studio on Autopilot, Crafting the Ultimate Client Workout Experience, and Delving into Muscle Hypertrophy and Steroid Side Effects



What's it like to run a fitness business on autopilot? Could you do the same?  Dr. Doug McGuff – co-author of the High-Intensity Training cornerstone Body by Science – and founder of Ultimate Exercise returns to the podcast to talk about what it's like to run a fitness business without being there all the time — how do you get to that stage?  Is that really the dream, or could it possibly turn into a nightmare? We dive deep into how he runs UE (and the key business lessons you can take away from it), crafting great client experiences, how so many people misunderstand hypertrophy, maximizing stimulus and recovery for optimal results, understanding the nuances and risks of steroid/PED use, practical strategies for thriving in the fitness industry, and more!  Note: apologies in advance for the less-than-ideal audio we have in this episode — we've done our best to make it as listenable as possible, despite the sound issues. ***