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How to get thousands of new authentic Instagram followers in 30 days while sitting on the toilet



Kasim and Laruen dig deep into the intricacies of Instagram and e-commerce, sharing invaluable insights and strategies to optimize online presence and attract authentic followers. They explore innovative approaches to engagement, discussing the significance of an optimized profile, the impact of strategic interaction with competitor traffic, and the potential of TikTok shops in the e-commerce space. Whether you're looking to elevate your brand, enhance your online presence, or revolutionize your Instagram strategy, they pack this episode with transformative tips and expert advice to help you achieve your goals.Chapters:00:00:00 - Kickstarting the Conversation: Diving into the World of Instagram and E-Commerce00:03:10 - Refining Welcome Flows: Harnessing Recommendations for Optimized Customer Onboarding00:04:23 - Onboarding Excellence: The Critical Role of Welcome Series for Mobile Subscriber Retention00:08:55 - Trendsetting in Fashion: Exploring Unique Collections and Comfortable, Stylish Footwear00:10:21 - I