Christopher Lochhead Follow Your Different

331 How To Have A Legendary Career, Regulate AI & Much More with David Schellhase, Silicon Valley Legal Obi Wan and Salesforce & Slack’s Former General Counsel



If you're someone who wants to have a legendary, long-term, and super-successful professional career, you're going to love this dialogue with Silicon Valley’s Legal Obi-Wan, David Schellhase. David Schellhase is considered as one of the greatest General Counsels in Silicon Valley history. David was the GC at Salesforce for nine years, and he was the GC that took them public. He was the GC at Groupon, and most recently, the GC at Slack. On this highly engaging episode, David and Christopher cover everything from the problems plaguing San Francisco in California, to how lawyers can be true partners who helped power the success of a legendary business. You’re listening to Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different. We are the real dialogue podcast for people with a different mind. So get your mind in a different place, and hey ho, let’s go. David Schellhase on the Challenges facing San Francisco The dialogue starts off on the topic of the current state of San Francisco. David described downtown San Francisco