Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

431 - Bill DeSimone's 40-Year Journey in Personal Training: Lessons and Legacies



If you could sit down with one of the most successful people in the strength training industry and learn what it takes to get to the top, who would you want to listen to? Bill DeSimone just might have the episode for you — he returns to the podcast to talk about the powerful lessons he’s learned from 40 years of strength training and running his fitness business, and he lays out his experiences and what you can take away from it all and apply in your own journey, whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your strength studio. In this episode, we cover so much: from how to use personal experiences in your business effectively, to managing injuries, to what it means to really understand the nature of personal training.  Bill talks about navigating challenges, training techniques and equipment, and how the industry has changed over the years.   ***