Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

434 - Redefining Age: David Pike on Being an 84-Year-Old Harmonizing Fitness, Family, and Business



Do you have a clear vision of what a massively successful life is for yourself? Not just as a fitness business owner, but including your personal and family life as well?    This episode is a special one for me as I welcome an incredibly successful businessman – and my mentor – David Pike to the podcast.    David has built many successful businesses in a variety of industries (including fitness) and has amassed a wealth of knowledge, experience, and wisdom on what it takes to start and grow a thriving business that all of us can take valuable insights from.   We talk about how to build motivated teams, the keys to entrepreneurial success, balancing your family life and business, and much more, seen through the lenses of the businesses David has built and his experiences in life.    There’s so much to learn from somebody who has already walked the path most – if not all of us – want to tread.   ***