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17 Absolutely Killer Meta Advertising Tips From The Best Media Buyers on the Planet



We dive into the tactical side of digital marketing, sharing valuable insights and actionable tips. From the nuances of tracking offline conversions to the debate of lifetime versus daily ad budgets, our team of media buyers uncover the strategies that are moving the needle in today's fast-paced digital landscape. We also explore the power of content creators in building brand loyalty and the importance of customer reviews in amplifying brand presence.Chapters:00:00:00 - Important Tips for Media Buyers and Advertisers00:01:15 - Insights into Optimizing Meta Advertising and Custom Events00:04:46 - Regular Engagement and Feedback on YouTube Channel00:06:10 - Optimizing Leads and Credit Reports with the Pixel00:07:16 - Exploring Custom Events and Managing Event Selection in iOS00:10:00 - Success with Click Bank and Shopify Despite iOS Changes00:13:16 - Potential Concerns with Wicked Implementation and Client Acquisition00:16:01 - Analyzing Audience Engagement and Sales for Long-term Business Growth00:20:13 - Adv