Sarah B. Yoga

Appreciating and connecting with the floor and breath.



Episode 27: This is a slow flowing class. We pay special attention to the connection to the floor and to the breath in all the poses. Today, practice appreciation for whatever your situation is, good or bad. Without trying to make things “better”,  be present with where you are and allow your body and mind to shift, change, expand, and open to joy (and chattaranga pushups!). The final pose before savasana is supta baddha konasana.Be sure when you move through chatturanga, the shoulders never drop lower than the elbows. Keep the elbows hugging towards the body and use your belly to help make this pose fun!Sarah Baumert has been teaching movement since 2006. She is a certified yoga teacher, yoga therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner. This podcast is an intersection of her yoga teaching and training in the Feldenkrais® method. Classes include sensory rich movement experiences for a more resilient and healthy nervous system to help you feel a greater sense of ease and comfort in yourself.Upcoming Livestream Cour