Abundance Hack

Dear Inner Child



In this episode, I share a letter I wrote to my younger self, with the hopes it inspires you to love on your inner child.  Inner child healing and re-parenting ourselves is a great way to build confidence, heal, and step into the best version of ourselves.  We do inner child healing at Bliss Bar, and I have my clients write a letter to their younger self. I felt called to do the exercise myself this week, and I'm sharing it with you.  My inner kiddo is giving your inner kiddo a big hug!  If you gain value from this podcast and want to show me some love and gratitude, you can Buy me a drink (coffee/ tea or a glass of wine) Venmo https://venmo.com/u/NiajaeCash App https://cash.app/$niajae1PayPal Contact@niajae.com Website https://www.niajae.com Instagram https://www.instagram.com/niajae