

This week on The One You Feed we have Krista Tippett from On Being.  In This Interview Krista and I Discuss...The One You Feed parable.How modern news feeds our bad wolf.How science and religion ask different questions.How modern society looks for the most polarizing and strident views.Listening as a spiritual virtue.Being open to be surprised and amazed.Not needing to have the answers.Loving the questions themselves.Paradox and ambiguity.A reverence for mystery.Arriving at some of the best places in our lives through mistakes.Depression as a black pandoras box.The things that go wrong for us become part of our gifts to the world.We become great not in spite of the hardships but because of them.The path to spiritual genius is through being fully human.Krista's definition of spirituality- the inner work that accompanies our outer lives.Humor as a virtue.How she has never met a wise person who does not laugh often.Krista Tippett LinksOn Being homepageOn Being on TwitterRead Krista's books Some of our most popul