Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Why You May Have A Head Injury Or Concussion (Even If You Don't Know It) And What To Do About It.



Four months ago, I was at a party in Park City, Utah that happened to be chock full of chiropractic physicians. While I was leaning against the bar mixing myself a white wine kombucha spritzer, as I'm prone to do, a doctor named Steve Geanopulos approached me and introduced himself. Sensing I was a fellow physiology geek with his science-spidey sense, he proceeded to fill me in on a fascinating paper entitled "The Potential Impact of Various Physiological Mechanisms on Outcomes in TBI, mTBI, Concussion and PPCS." He then went on to explain that this paper, which we'll discuss in today's podcast along with plenty of other neural fixing and neural enhancing topics, forms the basis of the care he provides for his chronic brain based patients (not only concussion but anyone who struggles with movement, sight, focus, attention, or other brain based issues.) We also discussed the work Steve does with professional and collegiate athletes and concussion with his colleague Ben Velazquez, and the work he's done with a