Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

The Ultimate Guide To Beating Chronic Fatigue With Specific Vitamins, Minerals, Biohacks & More - A Conversation With Dr. Sarah Myhill.



This month, I read two of the better books I've read lately on functional medicine, chronic fatigue and health concepts that it seems not many people are talking about these days. In other words, I folded over a lot of pages in these books! Both were written by the same author: Dr. Sarah Myhill. Doctor Sarah Myhill is a British doctor running her own specialist M.E. clinic in Knighton Wales, United Kingdom. Her website is an extensive resource of articles and information based on her treatment of patients, and runs to 920 webpages with over 6 million individual visits. Dr. Myhill's view is that the disease is characterised by a cellular metabolic mitochondrial dysfunction and has published several studies. Dr. Myhill has treated in excess of 10,000 CFS/ME sufferers over her 30 year career. The first book, "Sustainable Medicine: whistle-blowing on 21st century medical practice", is based on the premise that twenty-first century Western medicine—driven by vested interests—is failing to address the root causes o