Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

The Intriguing Science Of Building Biology (Along With A Complete Analysis & Surprising Results From Ben Greenfield's So-Called "Biohacked Home")



I recently hired certified building biologist Brian Hoyer to do a full day "dirty electricity" and biological health analysis of my entire "biohacked home" in Spokane, WA (the same home I write about in this book), and he found some pretty shocking and surprising issues. For example... ...when I'm inside my low EMF infrared sauna (which we tested and found was indeed low EMF), my body is getting exposed to cell tower transmissions and radio waves and being "as an antenna" to propagate those waves (we discuss solutions in the episode)... ...the master bedroom of my house is actually located over a geothermal stressor area (which causes large amounts of magnetic field exposure) and the mattress itself is propagating and magnifying this electromagnetic signal, and there are hefty amounts of radio and cell phone tower signals pouring in through the bedroom walls... twin boys are being exposed to nearly twice this amount of electrical stress in their bedroom due in part to their pet dragon lizard lighting an