Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

How To Go On A Vision Quest & Embark Upon A Rite Of Passage.



I first met Tim Corcoran when I was looking for a local plant expert to teach me more about wild plant foraging.  Not only did he come to my house to record this podcast episode, but we also shot a host of videos in which he taught me and my boys how to harvest plants from our land such as wild nettle, mullein, comfrey, oregon grape root, wild mint and beyond. This guy is a true wealth of wilderness knowledge.  As a matter of fact, each year I send my children to attend his wilderness survival camp and also his winter adventure camp. Tim himself is a heart centered father of two brilliant boys and husband to a magnificent wife. Recently, I was talking to Tim about the concept of vision quests and rites of passage - for both youth and adults alike, and he told me about a new program he is creating to achieve just that - a program based on a concept he calls "Purpose Mountain".  Tim is the founder of Purpose Mountain, where he offers Nature Based Purpose Guidance to support people with a love for wild nature wh