Ultimate Scrutiny

S4 Ep40: The London Gin Craze - 1720ish to 1750ish



It's the 18th Century. Britain is deep at war with France (probably) and Londoners are getting slaughtered on a ‘throat-searing, eye-reddening, vomit-churning hell broth’ of fermented juniper berries and sulphuric acid. In what powder-faced, big-wigged, coffee house creeping Georgians are already calling the 40th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The London Gin Craze - the unaccountable popularity of a beverage so strong it caused birth defects, blindness, and in some extreme cases, actual infantacide.  Fancy sucking down a triple Beefeater from the Puss-and-Mew machine tonight? No... no thanks. Trigger warning. This one’s all about the problems of drinking too much - but don’t worry - there’s nothing on the market these days that comes close to the horrors of 18th Century homebrew - unless you’re drinking out of your lawnmower that is. There is a bit of child murder in this one, and a little bit of nasty childhood illness - but mostly it’s underprivileged