

Everyday we are plagued by what I call 'Life Admin'. The realities of living your everyday life like cleaning, sorting, decluttering, organising and endless decisions. How much is all of that costing you both energy, time and monetary wise?I'd suggest a LOT.So today I want to share strategies for managing your life admin on a budget, or better put I'm giving you a lifestyle hack to get more work done that you don't want to do, for free.This episode focuses on how you can enlist more help, whether free or paid, to shape the life you desire and gain freedom by outsourcing life admin tasks. In particular I share how we stategically utilize WWOOFers, individuals who work in exchange for accommodation and meals, to manage tasks we can't prioritize or lack time for.Between us, Josh and I manage three businesses together while also raising our energetic son, Leonardo, and living on a 10 acre lifestyle block. Maintaining our lifestyle property is a continuous endeavour, with endless chores like gardening, tree prunin