Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

The Most Important Supplement To Take If You're On Statins, Plant-Based Compounds That Increase Testosterone & Bone Density, Japanese Anti-Aging Secrets & More With Dr. Barrie Tan.



Experiencing muscle discomfort from statins? Curious about natural ways to alleviate these symptoms and boost your heart health? In this episode, explore the role of geranylgeraniol (GG) and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in supporting muscles affected by statins with repeat guest, Dr. Barrie Tan, the world’s foremost expert on annatto, geranylgeraniol (GG), vitamin K in the form of MK-4 and vitamin E in the form of tocotrienols. Get ready to discover the benefits of these essential compounds that support cardiovascular health and muscle function, especially in individuals taking statins. A scientist first and foremost, Dr. Tan earned his Ph.D. in chemistry/biochemistry from the University of Otago, New Zealand, and spent several years as a professor at UMass. Dr. Tan has committed himself to the research and development of phytonutrients — natural compounds found in plants that reduce and slow chronic disorders. Dr. Tan is credited with discovering a form of vitamin E called tocotrienol from three major sources: palm,