Christopher Lochhead Follow Your Different

352 Big Bets and the Future of Leadership with John Rossman, Author of Big Bet Leadership



On this episode of Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different, we are joined by our friend and multi-time guest, John Rossman. John Rossman is a Master of Innovation and former Amazon Executive who brings to the table his insights from his new book, Big Bet Leadership: Your playbook for winning in the hyper digital era. His experiences with industry giants illuminate the path for making bold, transformative decisions. This conversation is a deep dive into the courage and strategy required to lead in uncertain times, focusing on big bets that redefine industries, in an era where navigating technological change is crucial. You’re listening to Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different. We are the real dialogue podcast for people with a different mind. So get your mind in a different place, and hey ho, let’s go. John Rossman on Category Design and Big Bet Leadership Christopher and John discuss the impact of category transformation and AI on businesses. John expresses gratitude for Christopher's influential