Listen, Learn & Love Hosted By Richard Ostler

Episode 753: Arthur Wiseman, Recently Returned Gay LDS Missionary



My friend Arthur Wiseman (who returned from his successful mission in Gilbert Arizona in Dec of 2023, plans to become a therapist, and returned to live in Arizona) shares his mission experience. Arthur (who knew he was gay since age 6 and planned to tell no one) shares what it was like starting his mission and feeling spiritual promptings (many times during his mission) to open up about being gay because of a desire to help others find hope and Christ in their lives. Arthur talks about a variety of wonderful, spiritual, and sometimes painful experiences only possible because he was open. Arthur talks about developing a strong relationship with Heavenly Father and making Christ the center of his life. He talks about the personal revelation he is receiving. Arthur also talks about how being vulnerable allowed him to be a safe place for his companions to open up about their lives—providing beautiful insights on how to better minister to each other. Arthur talks about his supportive companions and wha