Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

How To Avoid Botched Facial Plastic Surgery, Do Red Light Masks Actually Work?, Opioid-Free Surgical Recovery, & More With Dr. Cameron Chesnut.



Interested in reclaiming your youthful appearance but terrified by the thought of a plastic surgeon transforming your face into a botched job fit for reality TV? In today's episode, explore how to achieve natural-looking results and rejuvenate your appearance through facial plastic surgery and other effective anti-aging strategies with Dr. Cameron Chesnut, a renowned facial plastic surgeon.  People from all corners of the globe seek Dr. Cameron's astonishing, high-impact outcomes from minimally invasive procedures that leave his patients looking natural, rejuvenated, and seemingly untouched. He is known globally for his progressive use of regenerative medicine and postoperative recovery techniques, as well as his dedicated personal preparation for performance readiness. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and the founder of Clinic 5C — an integrated practice of facial plastic surgery, functional medicine, dermatology, wound care, and cosmetics. Dr. Cameron