Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S79 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - Only a Few of The Companions got Involved in The Fitnah.



Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 79 The Fox of The Arabs  Siffeen Only a Few of The Companions got Involved in The Fitnah. Some of the men who had been present at Badr stayed in their dwellings after the murder of Uthmaan (ra) and never left until they went to their graves (Al Bidaya). The ones present during The Battle of The Camel were Alee, Ammmar, Talha & Zubayr... (Ibn Abee Shaibah). A dream, a bucket of water & the Caliphate Rashideen drink water... Succession of Prophethood, Then Allah SWT will give kingship to whomever he SWT wills (Abu Dawood). The Bishop of Jerusalem finds in scripture the description of Umar, Uthmaan & Alee (raa) (Abu Dawood).