Delight Your Marriage

432-Discontentment Needs Your Focus (Re-Release)



If you're discontent... If you feel you've been praying against a cement ceiling... If you've actually felt disappointed in life and at God... Or maybe it's less severe, you're going through the motions in life but something feels "off"...   I want you to know that your discontentment is something to pay attention to.   God does come in dreams and visions (sometimes) but often he leads us by our feelings.  And my wonder for you is are you paying attention?  Are you considering the feeling of "discontentment" as something a - outside of you in your world needs to change or b - something about you in your inner world needs to change   God gives us opportunities to change all the time. Change the way we think, the way we are, the way we understand the world.    You don't need to assume this is as good as it gets and that we're not going to be able to do anything to make it better.   I think God wants us to take Him at His word "we are more than conquerors" and stand on our own feet and decide to impro