Delight Your Marriage

436-Male Leadership (Actually)



Clarity is a Christian's speciality.  Amidst a confused culture, a clear understanding of God's word is what we need.  If you're a husband, I invite you to consider how Jesus led and what the Bible says about a husband's leadership in the family.  If you're a wife, I invite you to hear what a man can be (really) so you are happy to be led.  My story started without good role modeling.  And then I tried to "submit" and it was soul crushing.  Then I decided I would NOT submit, and it was stressful, frustrating, and deeply painful.  Then I discovered God's way  (though I still make mistakes at times), and it has made both my husband and I flourish.  I can lead in many, many ways outside of our family -- but I love that in our home I am not the leader. My husband is trustworthy and good to me and our children.  I hope you can catch a vision of what it can mean for you as a man or a woman to empower the right order of family.  We are to be a light on a hill for the non-believers.  I hope you'll curiously seek to g