Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S23 - Surah Nur (24) - Verse 43 - 46



Quran Class Surah 24 v43-46 Session 23 Cosmic Rain And He sends down from The Sky of Mountains of hail- Baradain... Surah 24 v 43. The objects, 20-40-ton snowballs the size of two-bedroom houses, streak into the atmosphere by the thousands each day, disintegrate harmlessly 600 to 15,000 miles up and deposit large clouds of water vapor that eventually falls on Earth's surface as rain, according to Louis A. Frank, 58, University of Iowa. 'O Allah SWT bless my Ummah in the mornings' (Abu Dawood). 'Every living thing is made from water O Abu Hurayra' (ra), Tirmidhi. 'O Allah SWT I seek refuge in You from the evil of those who crawl on their bellies, the evil of those who walk on 2 feet and the evil of those who walk on 4 feet', Refer to Surah 24 v45 & Surah 113 v3. Seek refuge of the Ghisk - when the moon appears and darkness spreads as the Shaytan disperse. A parable is set forth: A straight road (Islam), on either side are walls (the limits) there are open doors with curtains hanging on them (the prohib