Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Episode #155: Way Beyond Naturopathic Medicine.



Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben.   Due to my recent medical emergency, I'm bringing you one of the most popular archived episodes on medicine: my interview with Dr. Todd Schlapfer of Coeur D' Alene Healing Arts. If you've ever wondered what the difference is between an ND and an MD, what kind of conditions can be addressed with naturopathic medicine, or if physically active individuals can benefit their performance with naturopathy, then you're going to learn a lot in this episode. We cover topics like: -how active individuals can determine proper dietary protocols via specific types of testing… -what the optimum nutritional philosophy should include… -how to enhance recovery and muscle repair with mineral intake… -why excessive protein intake can be harmful… -the importance of the right type of fat, and ideal dietary sources… -how chronic inflammation, an acidic body pH, performance, and health are interrelated… The physicians that come onto this show, guys lik