Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S33 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra) educated Marwaan (rah).



Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 33 The Scribe of The Quran The Ring of Marwaan ibn Al Hakam (rah). Zayd (ra) educated Marwaan (rah). Reciting short Surahs in the Maghrib prayer was started by Marwaan (rah), namely Surah Ikhlaas & Surah Kawthar. Zayd (ra)... The Messenger ﷺ would recite the shorter of the 2 Surahs in Maghrib.. Surah Al A'araaf whilst the second of them is Surah Al An'aam (Fathul Baree). The believer is occupied with 3 things till he enters The Garden of Eternity... Sincerity in his deeds Giving honest admonition to those in authority  Adhering to the main body of Muslims (Darimee).