Active Entrepreneur Podcast

#006 - How Preparation Can Save You Time And Make You Work More Effectively!



Episode #006 - How Preparation Can Save You Time And Make You Work More Effectively! Introduction I have a habit of coming up with a lot of ideas around my business Good if you have a team to help implement said ideas – not taking 5 minutes to prepare can waste hours of time This relates to my podcast ‘Active Entrepreneur’, originally called ‘Entrepreneur on a mission’ – thinking about me and what I’m about – I am on a mission My personal brand is active – would I still want this brand in 10 years’ time? So I thought I’d do something around the key things to prepare – at any stage of business, preparation is key Rushing projects, hiring staff too late or too quickly, trying to make sales too quickly and putting customers off – commit an adequate amount of time to some form of preparation Some things you can do to prepare: Marketing – you don’t have a business without concentrating on marketing – campaigns, videos, photos – think about these, content is important but it needs to be thought about Simple method