Church And State Podcast

CAS 022: What Could Be Greater Than Golf With A Socialist?



Summary: In this episode we discuss libertarianism, socialism, and the Nordic model. We weigh in on the debate playing out between Jacobin and the New Yorker. What counts as progress, and how do we make it? Do libertarians have a class conception? Is there anyway to hold power accountable? How much good could a good chuck chuck if a good chuck could chuck good? We're obviously asking the important questions here people, so listen up! Have an important question for us? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page, or hit us on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Jacobin Magazine 388 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217 or on Twitter at: @_KennyRogers. Notes: 1. Gator Golf Commercial [VIDEO] 2. Kenny Rogers [VIDEO] 3. Teddy Ruxpin Commercial [VIDEO] 4. Howdy Doody Show Intro [VIDEO] 5. Soviets Feared AIDS, Jewish People & Reagan (In That Order) 6. Reagan Son Claims Dad Had Alzheimer's As President 7. Nancy Reagan &