Church And State Podcast

CAS 011: Sarah Haider & Mohammad Syed Have a Bone to Pick With Regressives



Summary: In this episode Colin interviews Sarah Haider and Mohammad Syed of Ex-Muslims of North America. Actually... this is just a rebroadcast from Colin's other podcast, The Honest Liars. We were having issues this week (more so than usual), and we weren't able to record, but this is even better than what we would have done anyway! He, Gabriel, and Adam talk to Sarah and Mohammad about Islam, Apostasy, Atheism, and more. Check it out! We'll be back again with all new material next week when we interview sociologist Ashley Frawley! How has our failure to produce novel material made you feel? Let us know by hitting us up at the email address on the About page, or on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: CAIR Headquarters 453 New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, DC 20003 or on Twitter at: @ggreenwald.