The Private Label Movement

John Cant Rising Sun Commerce Amazon Japan Specialist 007



Many Amazon sellers consider selling overseas to increase their market. Today, John Cant of Rising Sun Commerce tells us why Japan is so great for Amazon sellers. The Japanese Online Marketplace John Cant lived in Japan for five years from 2005-2010. In terms of Amazon, Japan was books and music driven Recently it has really changed. Japan is now third biggest behind the US, German and has just overtaken the UK in terms of Amazon sales. Rakuten used to be the largest online provider in Japan but now they are about on even grounds as Amazon outpaces Rakuten's growth. Demographics Pushing Changes Minimalism wins stateside and in the UK but in Japan the more information you can cram onto a site and the brighter the colors the better. Rakuten follows that design style. John's friends in Japan say they like the 'calmer' look of Amazon and that's part of the push from Rakuten to Amazon. Japan Naturally Lends Itself to Prime Japan has always had a really good infrastructure. You can get around really quickly and n