The Private Label Movement

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 8:21:41
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In 2015, Kevin Rizer started a brand, selling products on Amazon. It quickly grew from a hobby into a multi-million dollar empire. A year later, Kevin started recording conversations with successful sellers, and launched a podcast to tell their stories. That podcast was called Private Label Podcast. In the time since, the podcast has become a movement with tens of thousands of loyal followers, and is today the authoritative source for information and inspiration on selling on Amazon, e-commerce and entrepreneurship.


  • What To Expect At Private Label Summit 2019


    What is up Private Label Movement! This is Brad Langan, the Head of Marketing over at Private Label Movement. I know you all don't normally hear from me but I have something special to share with about what we have been hard at work on. Why Are We Hosting The Private Label Summit? There is a trend where Amazon is making it more and more difficult to establish your brand on Amazon. Amazon sellers are now facing a ton of challenges nowadays. Everything from just increased competition, Amazon releasing a ton of their own products, software that can model exactly what you are doing, and even listings getting hijacked. Jonathan Gabriel noticed this trend and quickly realized that people need to own their brand and leverage other sources for selling eComm products. This is why we started the Private Label Summit. When Is The Summit Happening? It is taking place March 5th - 8th online. All you need to do is go register here to get your FREE TICKET. What Topics Will Be Covered? Yo

  • Patrick Tedjamulia – Founder and CEO of VideoPeel – Video Review Expert 019

    23/01/2019 Duration: 30min

    Today, Patrick Tedjamulia shares the story of how he founded and became the CEO of Videopeel, a video review platform. He talks about his love for customer insights, which led him to discover the true value of videos in advertising. Consumers First Thinking Before his venture into Facebook and Google, Patrick worked in brand management. His initial training for his career had been about consumer packaged goods. He was trained in marketing by Procter & Gamble with a consumer’s boss thinking. “It's all about first understanding who your consumer really was, stepping into the shoes of the consumer. That’s been my love and my passion.” - Patrick Tedjamulia Patrick then went to MBA school in Duke University to further his education in consumer insights and research. Facebook and Google Advertising Patrick’s formal training and education in understanding consumers eventually helped him as he worked at Facebook and Google. “As I started helping them build their advertising tools, I had to unders

  • Jordan Rolband – Performance Marketing Expert 018

    14/01/2019 Duration: 40min

    Jordan Rolband is the Co-Founder and President of DFO Global Performance Commerce. A certified performance marketing expert, he shares with us today how he blew up his marketing agency with eight global offices and over 200 employees. Jordan Rolband - A Love for Marketing Fifteen years ago, Jordan was in a completely different place. He started his career in finance and quickly learned that the industry wasn’t for him. Not to mention that he didn't want to dress up every day. He worked as a partner at a company and couldn't focus on the business. Jordan didn’t have a real interest in becoming a high-level sales guy or managing the sales team. All he wanted to do was market. Lead Generation through Microsites Jordan then started to build microsites in 2005-2006. These sites catered for mortgages and loan consolidation. With the help of Google AdWords, they were able to scale up different campaigns. They also utilized some of the leads they were generating for their own business. Jordan discov

  • Max Kolysh – Amazon to eBay and Dropship Arbitrage Extraordinaire 017

    07/01/2019 Duration: 31min

    Max Kolysh, Founder and CEO of Zinc, shares the story of how they managed to dominate dropshipping arbitrage with their automation suites. How does Zinc continue to influence the e-commerce industry? Max Kolysh - Walking the Path of a Startup Max and his co-founder met when Max was finishing his master’s at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Max’s co-founder, a large eBay seller back in high school, developed some technologies that they thought to productize. In a leap of faith, they applied to one of the top startup accelerators in San Francisco. “We didn't know what we were doing at the time. We thought we had a good idea and that we could sell it.” - Max Kolysh Birth of Zinc Save They dropped out of college when they got into the three-month startup program from which they received mentorship and advice. Their hard work culminated in a demo day where companies pitched to investors, much like in real life. Halfway through the program, they pivoted from automation for affiliate mark

  • The Best of Private Label Movement 2018 016

    24/12/2018 Duration: 22min

    Jonathan Gabriel looks back on The Best of Private Label Movement 2018 in episodes with Jeremy Sherk, Rob Kosberg, Chakra Yendapally and Nathan Lind. There's more to being successful at private label than just adding products to Amazon. Jonathan's guests are successful entrepreneurs who have found thier niche in the online marketplace. Listen in as his guests discuss the importance of choosing the right product, leveraging your expertise, bookkeeping for private label entrepreneurs and building relationships. Jeremy Sherk Nested Naturals Jeremy is an 8-figure entrepreneur, speaker, health nut, and Co-Founder and CEO at Nested Natural, an e-commerce supplement company. He's a best-seller pro that focuses on great products but also reinvests heavily into his business on Amazon and through other platforms where he can control his brand more readily. Connect with Jeremy Nested Naturals Rob Kosberg Best Seller Publishing Rob was running a hundred-million-dollar real estate company w

  • Richard Chapo – Internet Lawyer for Businesses 015

    17/12/2018 Duration: 35min

    The constant evolution of e-commerce requires passage of regulations for the industry. But how do they truly work in relation to those affected? On this episode, Internet lawyer Richard Chapo shares valuable insights on sales tax, GDPR, and copyright issues. “In the Wayfair decision, basically the Supreme Court said that states can collect sales tax regardless of where you're located.” - Richard Chapo Wayfair and the Amazon Wars Richard has clients who deal with physical product sales. The debate as to whether states could tax certain Internet sales has finally culminated with the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Wayfair case. The so-called Amazon wars took 20 years in total. “One of the problems with the Internet is it takes the supreme court a long time to get around to deciding on something.” - Richard Chapo Sales Tax Discourse The Supreme Court sets the law for the land as far as court systems go. Once they have made a decision, all courts in the country must follow, whether they are s

  • Vladi Gordon – Amazon Seller and Founder, CEO of Sellerboard 014

    10/12/2018 Duration: 34min

    Vladi Gordon is the founder and CEO of Sellerboard, a financial services tool for Amazon sellers. Today, he shares the story behind the tool and what sellers can learn to improve profit by keeping track of customer insights as they relate to revenue. Bookkeeping, or stuff like Excel, it's not the thing that entrepreneurs like most unless, I guess, they're bookkeepers or owners of bookkeeping companies. - Vladi GordonVladi Gordon - Taking a Shot at SellingVladi started out as a seller back in 2015 in Germany. He was working in a software company when he heard of the new trend in online selling, Amazon. He started taking interest in private label products when there was buzz about the virtual reality glasses, Google Cardboard. When Vladi found a much cheaper alternative to the VR glasses, he ordered ten of them. Because he was the only person in Germany who was selling these glasses, they sold out fast. The same went for the next hundred glasses he put up on his online store. Curse of Shiny ObjectsBut

  • Jon MacDonald CEO of The Good – Conversion and Optimization Specialist 013

    04/12/2018 Duration: 37min

    Jon MacDonald is the President and Founder of The Good, the most trusted e-commerce conversion rate and customer experience optimization advisory company. They started about ten years ago. When they first built the company, they focused mainly on e-commerce development. "Bringing your consumer into the process is extremely important because they are the ones who are doing the research." - Jon MacDonald Origin of The Good They built e-commerce sites for brands that wanted their own channel for sales online. They discovered a lot of things along the way. First of all, development was becoming and has become a commodity. Everyone can find a developer or a shop that will build their e-commerce site. Some of the more popular platforms include Shopify and BigCommerce who do not require a lot of development skills to at least get something set up. Jon MacDonald Becoming Different In order to set them apart from everyone else, The Good offered a three-month optimization engagement after launching sites

  • Earnest Epps 6-Figure High Ticket Drop Shipping 012

    26/11/2018 Duration: 37min

    Earnest Epps is a life-long entrepreneur and salesman. After losing his corporate position, within 30 days he self-taught himself and created the Earnest Approach to dropshipping high ticket items from US manufacturers. NFL Dreams Earnest had a bit of a mindset when he entered college. His mother had pushed him to pick a specialty and focus on that during college. Because of his mother's encouragement, Earnest chose IT and technology. Football was his main reason for going to college and his choice was based upon a path to the NFL and not the educational opportunities. Unfortunately, before he ever got to play in college, Earnest's dreams of going to the NFL were smashed due to injuries. Earnest Epps Hustling to Succeed Not knowing what to do, he started knocking on doors and passing out flyers for a remodeling company. He soon learned the art of setting up leads for sales in order to earn commission checks. If I can get (that first) sale, I can figure it out from there. - Earnest Epps venturing into e-comme

  • Nathan Hirsch 8-Figure Seller Turned Outsourcing Expert 011

    19/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    Nathan Hirsh is a veteran Amazon seller with over 25 million in sales. He's currently the founder and CEO of FreeeUp an online outsourcing company. Ever Evolving E-commerce When Nathan started it was him and two other people on every listing. Sometimes there wasn't anyone else to compete with. Today, that's unheard of. Nathan's business model is drop-shipping which has become harder and harder to do through Amazon. Sellers must do it by creating their own stores and driving traffic to it. "Turnover is expensive. Once you find the people that are the core parts of your business, figure out how you keep them." - Nathan Hirsch on the importance of each position within a company He didn't even know what private label was until about six years into selling on Amazon. Today, that's where everyone gets started and you have all of the gurus who sell massive volumes on Facebook and social media. Amazon's Rule Changes This is probably the biggest change to e-commerce. When Nathan started it was your cancellation rate

  • Nate Lind 7-Figure Ecommerce Seller, Coach and Community Builder 010

    12/11/2018 Duration: 37min

    Nate Lind is a successful online seller that doesn't just focus on Amazon. He has created relationships with affiliates to continue to push his products. Nate is insightful as a seller, a coach and entrepreneur. He's here to share his knowledge with Jonathan on today's episode of the Private Label Podcast. Nate Lind Working for the Man While Nate was pursuing his degree in media art and animation he discovered he enjoyed the pursuit of obtaining the business much more than the website development and production. he not only really enjoyed it, but he was also really good at it. After graduation, Nate worked for the FAA in D.C. He had the most hellacious commute to work and he likens it to a soul-sucking experience. During this time he read Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and it changed his life. "I wanted to own my own business. I wanted to have passive income." - Nate Lind The book inspired him to get out of the blood-sucking quadrant of 'employee' to owning his own business and enjoy passive investmen

  • Charka Yendapally 6-Figure Amazon Seller and Founder of Jungle Books 009

    05/11/2018 Duration: 37min

    When a young adult flies to the US with no support or family and only 150 bucks to his name, what does he do? On today’s episode, Chakra Yendapally walks us through the tale of how he became the 6-figure, soon-to-be 7-figure seller in Amazon. He also shares how he founded his own virtual bookkeeping company. The Big Leap of Faith Chakra wanted to get his education in the US and borrowed money for his flight. Landing with barely any money in his pocket, he had to work several odd jobs to get him through college. One of these included a NASA project. He consulted for a manufacturing firm after graduation using his engineering degree. Chakra then enrolled in business school to learn finance, the spark of his future business ventures. Discovering E-Commerce With his background in finance, Chakra worked with a lot of companies including Johnson & Johnson. He spent about 16 years at J&J, which culminated with his own business venture. Eventually, Chakra fell into e-commerce and put up a website to launch his

  • Mark Lewyn 6-Figure Amazon Seller and Founder of 008

    29/10/2018 Duration: 32min

    Mark Lewyn is a 6-figure Amazon seller and founder of He began his career a journalist and soon realized he needed to change directions as the technology and the internet grew. His software enables Amazon sellers to research patents to help them find new products to launch. Hitting the Bullseye Mark began investing with a few startups and over time found his way to the world of Amazon selling. In 2015, Mark launched his first product, darts, on Amazon. His strategy was looking at the data and he was amazed at how many darts they sold on Amazon. He had never even played the game nor has he since. You don't want to violate anyone's patent, ever. - Mark Lewyn Research is King for Mark Lewyn He took notice of the issues with darts and thought he could fix the problems. His first product was a significant success that gave him the encouragement to try it again and again and again. Mark had been investing in startups and liked the idea of not having to go out and raise a lot of money. He's made a lot

  • John Cant Rising Sun Commerce Amazon Japan Specialist 007

    22/10/2018 Duration: 24min

    Many Amazon sellers consider selling overseas to increase their market. Today, John Cant of Rising Sun Commerce tells us why Japan is so great for Amazon sellers. The Japanese Online Marketplace John Cant lived in Japan for five years from 2005-2010. In terms of Amazon, Japan was books and music driven Recently it has really changed. Japan is now third biggest behind the US, German and has just overtaken the UK in terms of Amazon sales. Rakuten used to be the largest online provider in Japan but now they are about on even grounds as Amazon outpaces Rakuten's growth. Demographics Pushing Changes Minimalism wins stateside and in the UK but in Japan the more information you can cram onto a site and the brighter the colors the better. Rakuten follows that design style. John's friends in Japan say they like the 'calmer' look of Amazon and that's part of the push from Rakuten to Amazon. Japan Naturally Lends Itself to Prime Japan has always had a really good infrastructure. You can get around really quickly and n

  • Rob Kosberg Best Seller Publishing, Publish, Promote, Profit from YOUR Story 006

    15/10/2018 Duration: 33min

    What would you do if overnight, your profits went from millions to zero? This happened to Rob Kosberg. Rob ran a hundred-million-dollar real estate company when the recession hit and was forced to reinvent himself. Today, he's the founder and CEO of Best Seller Publishing and he's proud to say that he's found a way to leverage his expertise to positively impact others. Rob Kosberg Hustling to Success Rob was raised in Washington D.C. where his family owned Texaco gas stations on Pennsylvania Ave. He got his start as a car guy watching his dad and grandpa build and race cars out of the garages. It wasn't the traditional path to becoming an entrepreneur but it had planted the seed for Rob. While working through college, Rob got his real estate license at the age of 18. He was on the phone all day hustling through the for sale by owners and expired listings. By the second month, he was the top agent and was questioning his path to law school. "Don't write an autobiography or memoire, no one cares...put your sto

  • Jeremy Sherk 8-Figure Amazon Nested Naturals Supplement Entrepreneur 005

    08/10/2018 Duration: 37min

    Jonathan talks with Jeremy Sherk today. He’s an 8-figure entrepreneur, speaker, health nut, and Co-Founder and CEO at Nested Natural, an e-commerce supplement company.

  • Karen Waksman Retail MBA Get Your Products into Big-Box Retail 004


    Today, Jonathan welcomes Karen Waksman of Retail MBA to the program. She’s an expert on selling to big-box stores and talks the nitty-gritty of what it takes to break into the world of big-box retail.

  • 7 Figure Amazon Seller Turned FBA Software Expert Troy Johnston 003


    Let’s face it, Amazon is eating the world and software is eating the world. Jonathan Gabriel welcomes Troy Johnston, 7-figure Amazon seller and the co-founder of, an Amazon software as a service. Today they’ll talk getting started, Amazon and where he’s at today.

  • What I Learned From 3 Chinese Hackers Josh Hudson 002


    On today’s third installment for the second season of Private Label Movement, Josh Hudson, COO of I Build Your Brand pays us a visit to talk about how he started his private label through masterminds. He goes on to tell us why the Chinese are dominating the Amazon US marketplace.

  • Welcome to the Private Label Movement with Jonathan Gabriel 001


    Private Label Movement is back on the air! On the first installment of today’s three-part comeback, Welcome to the Private Label Movement with Jonathan Gabriel, Jonathan introduces himself as the new host of the The Private Label Podcast, a podcast that’s evolved into a movement of its own.

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