Delight Your Marriage

220 - Plan Sex, Sexily



First and foremost, I'm so glad you're planning for sex. Many people let this HIGH priority slip away from their marriage. And they wonder why their marriage turns into a disaster.   I am GRATEFUL if you are one who puts it on your calendar--it means you DO prioritize it!   So, I'm now encouraging you to go the next step and make it sexy. So often I hear from husbands that they make love the exact same way every single time they make love. And "it's even on the calendar!"   Well, 1st- the good news is you're making love (!!) and 2nd- ladies, we can plan sex (just not let him in on it!) ;) Listen in for inspiring ideas on how and why to spice things up and how you can plan sex without making him feel like a To Do List item! Aka...plan it sexily!   How EXACTLY do other people even plan for sex? Planning for sex can look different for many people: You can plan for sex in other physical aspects (If you're too full from dinner, you might be too sleepy for sex!)   You can plan for sex emotionally  (are you emot