Delight Your Marriage

225-Loving During Your Child's Suffering. Interview with Marie Wood Part 1



I had a wonderful and extremely inspiring chat with Marie Wood, who is raising 5 children (a basketball team, according to her!) with her husband, David Wood--the very famous Apologist. Two of their sons, Reid and Paley, both have a rare, life-threatening condition called myotubular myopathy. It’s so rare that it only affects 1 in 50,000 male live births. It causes problems with muscle tone and dangerously affects muscles that control necessary functions like breathing and swallowing. In this interview, I was moved to tears more than once because of the story of Marie and her children. She is an incredible woman who clearly loves the Lord and is such a force for good even in the face of suffering.  I know if you listen to this conversation you’ll come away in awe that our God can even raise the dead in this day and age! I’m amazed and I pray this will be an empowering and affirming message for you as well. Marie serves as vice president for a non-profit organization to connect people affected by myotubular my