Mack And Mercie Tail Of Two Dogs

Are Fleas Flipping You Out?



Welcome to the world of Mack and Mercie and Happy National Pet Day!Give your pet an extra hug today! Are Fleas Flipping You Out? “Rebecca, I need your help getting rid of fleas!” I hear that comment a lot from my customers.  My response to them is always “Tell me where the problem is…in your home, in your yard or on your pets?” Usually they say everywhere and the fleas are beginning to get on them.  When the fleas move from the pets to the humans, the infestation is getting out of hand.  Taking back control from the fleas is a three-fold process.  You have to treat your home, your yard and your pets to make your efforts worth your while. Other pets or even squirrels can bring fleas into your yard.  Even if you have a fence, other animals come up to it with your pet on the other side, and fleas can jump onto them. When you walk through your yard, fleas can get on you and you can bring them into the house even if you don’t allow your pet inside. Total control is a 3-step process: (1) O