Mack And Mercie Tail Of Two Dogs



Delivering information to dog owners that will add facts, fun and fiction to their lives.


  • 5 Dogs for the Outgoing Dog Owner

    11/04/2019 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to the world of Mack and Mercie! I've touched upon some of the important factors to consider when you are wanting to add a dog to your family such as activity level, exercise needs, size, how much grooming, trainability and compatibility with children. Do you love to be on the go, ready to hit the door as soon as you get home from work? Let's look at my top dog breeds that will suit your lifestyle the best! 1. The Labrador Retriever-one of my top pics for many things and Chase was one of my top dogs as well! They are friendly, affectionate and playful. They are classified as a working dog which has the characteristics of stamina, energy and strength. Swimming and retrieving are their favs in the way of exercise which is important to keep them fit.  2. The Boxer-a great breed that has been blessed with a patient and affectionate temperament.  This dog breed thrives on daily workouts and is always up to doing anything with their human. They are a bundle of energy and always playful. They are very curiou

  • Are Fleas Flipping You Out?

    09/04/2019 Duration: 05min

    Welcome to the world of Mack and Mercie and Happy National Pet Day!Give your pet an extra hug today! Are Fleas Flipping You Out? “Rebecca, I need your help getting rid of fleas!” I hear that comment a lot from my customers.  My response to them is always “Tell me where the problem is…in your home, in your yard or on your pets?” Usually they say everywhere and the fleas are beginning to get on them.  When the fleas move from the pets to the humans, the infestation is getting out of hand.  Taking back control from the fleas is a three-fold process.  You have to treat your home, your yard and your pets to make your efforts worth your while. Other pets or even squirrels can bring fleas into your yard.  Even if you have a fence, other animals come up to it with your pet on the other side, and fleas can jump onto them. When you walk through your yard, fleas can get on you and you can bring them into the house even if you don’t allow your pet inside. Total control is a 3-step process: (1) O

  • The Smartest Dogs-My Top 5 Picks

    06/04/2019 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to the World of Mack and Mercie Do you feel a little challenged when it comes to the thought of training a new pup? How about choosing one of the more intelligent breeds of dog to help ease your anxiety? #1- Golden Retriever- they are a beautiful breed with a fantastic temperament. If you have kids, these dogs love to swim and fetch for hours on end.  They are outgoing, trustworthy and they want to please their human family. They have a joyous and playful attitude that they keep even into adulthood. I had a lab/retriever mix, Chase, and he was playful until his 14th year when he came down with lymphoma cancer. #2 Border Collie-I have never owned a border collie but I have had friends who actually raised them. You need to be a family that is more active for this dog because they are very energetic but they do love to cuddle down at the end of the day. As the AKC site states: The intelligence, athleticism and train-ability of Borders have a perfect outlet in agility training. Having a job to perfor

  • Dog Ear Problems and What You Need To Do

    02/04/2019 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to the World of Mack and Mercie If you've had dogs, you've seen the dreaded shaking of their head and scratching at their ears. When I had my brick and mortar store, Rolling T Stores, I sold drops for your dog's ears. However, I encouraged the pet owner to know what was going on in their dog's ears because my products were for different problems. There are 3 different kind of ear infections which affect different areas of the dog's ear.  One affects the layer of cells lining the outer or external portion of the ear canal. The other two refer to infections of the middle and inner ear canal which they can get when the infection starts on the outside and it spreads inward. #2 and #3 called Otitis media and Interna are the most serious. Important reasons to prevent them and get early treatment. Plus, knowledge is key here to getting the right treatment for your dog. These are the visible signs your dog might have an ear infection: * Head Shaking * Odors * Scaly Skin * Whining and pawing at the proble

  • Clean Dog Breeds Is Actually A Thing

    28/03/2019 Duration: 03min

    I'm going to share with you 5  breeds of dogs that are considered a clean breed plus some interesting facts to make you want to get one next time around! 1. Bedlington Terrier: they are a breed that doesn't shed and so are considered clean and they are very trainable. I love the size which is around 17-23 pounds. This might be my next dog to try! Whoops, just found out that it's single-layer coat should be clipped regularly. Keep this in mind if you don't want to go to that trouble or you don't have a great groomer.  2 Chow Chow: I'm going to say this first, at certain times of year, they do shed, which would not be a "clean" dog in my book. But generally, they housebreak easily (who wouldn't love that every time you get a puppy!) they have very little doggy odor and generally like to keep their areas clean. And for those of you looking for a smaller breed for apartment living, the chow chow requires only moderate exercise. Pair that with easy housebreaking and there isn't a lot of going up and down

  • Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

    26/03/2019 Duration: 02min

    You think that hey, grapes are fruit so they must be okay for dogs to eat. But NO, not even raisins which are simply dried grapes. There is a toxicity in them which can lead to sudden kidney failure. Even with recent research, the exact agent in grapes that causes the toxicity is still unknown.  Some dogs tolerate small doses of the fruit w/o consequence while others dogs may develop poisoning after just a few. There is no way to know which dogs are more sensitive so why take the chance? Knowledge is key to having and keeping your dogs healthy. The AKC website has posted signs and symptoms that may occur after a toxic ingestion and they may not show up until 24 hours after your dog has eaten the grape or raisin: *Loss of appetite *Lethargy, weakness, unusual stillness *Vomiting and/or diarrhea, often within a few hours *Abdominal pain (tender when touched) *Dehydration (signs include panting; dry nose and mouth; pale gums). A quick way to test for dehydration is to gently pull up on the skin at the back

  • 4 Points to Research Before Getting That Pup

    22/03/2019 Duration: 04min

    For a successful transition to owning a new dog, remember these 4 steps: 1.   What type of dog are you thinking about getting? 2.   Do you or someone in your family have allergies? 3.  Do you live in an apartment or smaller space and need a smaller dog? 4.  Be prepared BEFORE you bring that pup home! For inspiration and videos go to:

  • K's for Warriors -- Saving Shelter Dogs and Our Veterans

    19/03/2019 Duration: 06min

    This is a non-profit organization that has 2 main goals:  1. Rescue dogs from shelters and train them to become service dogs 2. Rescue Veterans who are suffering daily from some type of PTSD and pair them with a Service dog There are an estimated 20 verterans who served post 9/11 that die daily by suicide.  There are roughly 20% of post 9/11 veterans suffering from PTSD -- that's over 700,000 veterans There are around 700,000 dogs euthanized in shelters every year. Many of these are wonderful dogs who can be trained as service dogs for veterans in need. Each month several veterans arrive at one of 2 K9's for Warriors campuses in Florida for a 3 week in-house training program. They are provided a trained service canine, housing, all meals, equipment, veterinary care and 120 hours of training in a family type atmosphere that provides essential peer-to-peer support. The 3 weeks is to teach the veteran how to use his/her new service dog, and to facilitate that bonding that is so important to be a succe

  • Bathing Your Dog in Winter

    14/03/2019 Duration: 06min

      Why It's Hard To Do: 1. It's Cold. If you have a dog that you bath outside, the weather is just awful for doing that.  2. You Don't have a set up for bathing or you have a "hard to handle dog".  Make It Simple: 1. Checkout a Dog Groomer and splurge for a couple visits.   2. Leave in Liquid Shampoo-spray it on your dog, rub it in and towel dry. Easy peasy   3. DIY-Just do it yourself with some tips I'll share to make it bearable for you and them! Don't Judge But I Prefer Organic Shampoos for Using on Dogs. Here is the link to a website that lists 20 chemicals you DO NOT WANT in Dog Shampoos.    Knowledge is key to taking care of our pups in the best way possible.  For inspiration and videos go to: 

  • Capturing Your Pup in Photos

    12/03/2019 Duration: 03min

    2 Tips you will find beneficial in taking photos are Patience and Spontaneity with your Dog's Personality in Mind. I had a pet collage made of my little Meisha, our 13 1/2 yr old, 10 lb. Shih Tzu who we put to sleep last July 2018. She was the last of 24 pets.  Do you document the different stages of your dog's life? 1. Patience: Thе lіnе bеtwееn fun аnd fruѕtrаtіоn іѕ rаzоr thіn whеn уоu’rе trуіng tо gеt thе реrfесt рhоtо оf your dоg. 2. Always kеер your pet's реrѕоnаlіtу іn mіnd. Sоmеtіmеѕ thе bеѕt shots оn mу camera are thе оnеѕ I lеаѕt еxресtеd to turn оut. Even after all thеѕе years, mу dоgs didn’t соореrаtе 100% еvеrу tіmе – аnd thаt’ѕ оkау. If you want to know where I got my collage made, here is the link:  For inspirational and videos go to:

  • Introduction and Emergency Planning with your Dog

    08/03/2019 Duration: 25min

    Mack and Mercie Tail of Two Dogs began with Chase, the lab, and Isabelle, the Shih Tzu, who were inseparable!  I created my Mack and Mercie brand honoring their relationship to be able to share tips, fun facts and important information for dog owners out there.  Today's topic is about Emergency Planning with your dog during terrible events such as tornadoes, fires and hurricanes. There are steps you can take to be prepared in an emergency with your dog beforehand, because during the disaster, you won't be able to remember everything. For inspirational and videos go to: