Mack And Mercie Tail Of Two Dogs

The Smartest Dogs-My Top 5 Picks



Welcome to the World of Mack and Mercie Do you feel a little challenged when it comes to the thought of training a new pup? How about choosing one of the more intelligent breeds of dog to help ease your anxiety? #1- Golden Retriever- they are a beautiful breed with a fantastic temperament. If you have kids, these dogs love to swim and fetch for hours on end.  They are outgoing, trustworthy and they want to please their human family. They have a joyous and playful attitude that they keep even into adulthood. I had a lab/retriever mix, Chase, and he was playful until his 14th year when he came down with lymphoma cancer. #2 Border Collie-I have never owned a border collie but I have had friends who actually raised them. You need to be a family that is more active for this dog because they are very energetic but they do love to cuddle down at the end of the day. As the AKC site states: The intelligence, athleticism and train-ability of Borders have a perfect outlet in agility training. Having a job to perfor