Mack And Mercie Tail Of Two Dogs

Dog Ear Problems and What You Need To Do



Welcome to the World of Mack and Mercie If you've had dogs, you've seen the dreaded shaking of their head and scratching at their ears. When I had my brick and mortar store, Rolling T Stores, I sold drops for your dog's ears. However, I encouraged the pet owner to know what was going on in their dog's ears because my products were for different problems. There are 3 different kind of ear infections which affect different areas of the dog's ear.  One affects the layer of cells lining the outer or external portion of the ear canal. The other two refer to infections of the middle and inner ear canal which they can get when the infection starts on the outside and it spreads inward. #2 and #3 called Otitis media and Interna are the most serious. Important reasons to prevent them and get early treatment. Plus, knowledge is key here to getting the right treatment for your dog. These are the visible signs your dog might have an ear infection: * Head Shaking * Odors * Scaly Skin * Whining and pawing at the proble