Mack And Mercie Tail Of Two Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?



You think that hey, grapes are fruit so they must be okay for dogs to eat. But NO, not even raisins which are simply dried grapes. There is a toxicity in them which can lead to sudden kidney failure. Even with recent research, the exact agent in grapes that causes the toxicity is still unknown.  Some dogs tolerate small doses of the fruit w/o consequence while others dogs may develop poisoning after just a few. There is no way to know which dogs are more sensitive so why take the chance? Knowledge is key to having and keeping your dogs healthy. The AKC website has posted signs and symptoms that may occur after a toxic ingestion and they may not show up until 24 hours after your dog has eaten the grape or raisin: *Loss of appetite *Lethargy, weakness, unusual stillness *Vomiting and/or diarrhea, often within a few hours *Abdominal pain (tender when touched) *Dehydration (signs include panting; dry nose and mouth; pale gums). A quick way to test for dehydration is to gently pull up on the skin at the back