

There's a question I get all the time and it is a sure sign of someone that is going to quit. I totally understand why someone would be curious about the answer, and in the past I'd say the question was unanswerable. After over 13 years of running my own businesses and helping others start and build theirs, I realize there is an answer. An obvious answer. But, it's not the answer 'get rich quickers' want to know, so now I MUST answer it to weed them out. The question is: "How long does it take to create a profitable freedom business?" I use to say the answer was, "It depends..." It depends on what market you pick. It depends on what business system you follow. It depends on how much time you put into it. It depend on how serious you are about starting it. It depends on if you have grit. It depends on your interest in your audience. It depends... "How long does it take to create a profitable freedom business?" My answer now is, "When you create enough value for a very specific audience that t