

Do you consider yourself a leader even if you’re just starting out in your business?I believe the moment you choose to follow your own path and show up in what you are truly believe in and are skilled at, is the moment you become a leader.You don’t have to be famous, an expert or have 10,000 Instagram followers to be a true leader. It’s about being committed to your goals, being a lifelong learner, and truly being intentional about what action you’re taking.That’s why I’ve brought in  internationally recognized leadership coach, Katie Anderson, on the UNTAPPED podcast to discuss what it means to be a leader. Katie went from a traditional corporate background in academia and healthcare operations, before becoming a leadership coach and consultant on her own terms. She is well versed in leadership internationally, as she has lived in 6 countries herself, and is getting ready to pack her bags again to live in Mexico with her family.Katie’s biggest lessons in leadership came from her time living in