Natalie Sisson's Quest For Freedom - Experiments In Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship And Financial Freed

Eps 89: Know Your Value and Charge What You're Worth with Natalie Coombe



Do you feel like you’re caught in pricing drama? Trying to charge what you're worth, while simultaneously not trying to offend anyone. We’re about to crack the code on what it takes to charge what you’re worth and price yourself right.Maybe you’re still figuring out what the sweet spot is to start paying yourself what you deserve as a business owner? I’ll give you the fast answer to that: the right time to pay yourself out as a business owner is right now! Getting paid to be you is what we are passionate about helping you do here at Natalie Sisson HQ. So we happen to know that most business owners start out in business, without ever considering paying themselves a salary. What gives?As a business owner you have a limitless ceiling on your income, you can (and should) absolutely be paying yourself a salary. I would love to know... Are you a business owner and paying yourself a salary? Message me on @nataliesisson to share with me!Are you ready to finally know what you’re worth, nail your pricing